“I want to cement the idea that exercise has a profound impact on cognitive abilities and mental health. It is simply one of the best treatments we have for most psychiatric problems.”
— John J. Ratey, MD

Resources to Speed Up Your Recovery Pace


Dr. Richard Sears graciously shares his Mindfulness Meditation audios (found at the link below). For best results, utilize the recordings at least once per day.


Dr. John Ratey’s Spark outlines the incredible impact that exercise has on the brain, and its implications for management of depression, anxiety, stress, and other mental health symptoms/ disorders.

— Spark, Jon Ratey, MD

In Running is My Therapy: Relieve Stress and Anxiety, Fight Depression, Ditch Bad Habits, and Live Happier Scott Douglas thoroughly outlines how effective running can be for managing stress and anxiety, as well as depression. Allow him to guide you through the process of using running to cope with life’s demands and stressors.

Running is my therapy, Scott Douglas

Havey’s Mindful Running demonstrates the power of the mind-body connection that facilitates increased efficiency and satisfaction in running and in life. These principles will be incorporated into sessions and be accessed during periods of stress and anxiety.

— Mindful RUnning: How meditative running can improve performance and make you a happier, more fulfilled person


While Dr. Beth draws from a variety of treatment approaches, depending upon the needs of the client, she regularly incorporates interventions from mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. Awareness of and attention to our thinking is a first step toward the development of new coping strategies and responses to our thoughts. This treatment approach is outlined by Segal, Williams, & Teasdale in the text below.

— Mindfulness- Based Cognitive Therapy for depression, Segal, Williams, & teasdale

Mindfulness has been identified as a key component in effective interventions for the treatment of depression. This workbook includes a number of useful worksheets and exercises to move you through the process of shifting your thinking and changing your response to depressive symptoms.

— cognitive behavioral therapy & mindfulness toolbox, Richard Sears

Clients have benefitted from completion of the exercises and meditations included in The Mindful Way workbook. This 8-week program has demonstrated effectiveness can be used in coordination with individual or group therapy.

— The mindful way workbook, Teasdale, Williams, & Segal

For more ideas or resources to utilize in conjunction with treatment, please consult directly with Dr. Beth! The more movement that happens outside of session, the more rapidly change occurs!

Let’s Get MOVING!